Gallery Alvona
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Vinko Šaina
Umjetnost je ta koja nas povezuje i slavi slobodu ljudskog duha !
Art Sales Gallery
Welcome to Gallery Alvona, a meeting point of art, created by an artist, for artists and art lovers, the premier art destination in the region. The Gallery is home to an intriguing collection of contemporary art, and hosts a diverse and dynamic range of exhibitions. Enjoy your visit and discover your favourite piece of art.

Vinko Šaina
If the statement "Style is the man" is still relevant or important today, then it finds its full definition in Vinko Šaina. (B. Toman)

Our Story
For years I had been passing by the neglected little church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel witnessing its gradual decay. One morning, after leaving my atelier and while watching the church’s dilapidated walls, I started to wonder what I could do in order to bring this building, built with love, back to life. And it was at that precise moment that everything began to unfold! Many people thought the idea was crazy and that it could not be realised, but I never had any doubt. I knew that soon this place of worship was going to become a temple of art and that it would soon start to shine anew!
(V. Šaina)